Our Adventure Garden is designed to stimulate childrens' interactivity with nature and each other, through the use of professionally equipped and custom built landscapes and environments.
Badminton Court
And leaf deck where badminton is played, but also gets opened up when we build dens and play Laser X.
Swings and Swivel Bar There is a play area with swings, acrobatic bars, slackline and a slide set into the hillside so you can whizz through! the flowers.
Vegetable Beds
Vegetable areas with raised beds to learn about and practice a wide variety of fruit and vegetable cultivations, watch them grow and taste the fruits of your labour.
The Landscape Terraces
The Landscape Terraces provide another dimension to the garden, with winding paths for young explorers and a mixture of fruits and flowers.
Countryside View
Stunning countryside views, with the spire of Stoughton Church in the distance. We provide the outdoor footwear, so school shoes are kept smart.
Al Fresco Dining
We enjoy outdoor dining under the shade of the Buddleja Globosa (Orange Pompom Butterfly Tree)!
We know that the intrinsic value of our environment is a great learning tool and we carefully plan each of our eight rooms and areas to enable all of the children to blossom and thrive.
Dining Room
A large and airy dining room with wonderful views for everyone to enjoy, exceptional home-cooked meals. Children learn and use their table manners and have a chance to discuss topics they are interested in and what they have been doing during the day.
Art Studio
A dedicated art studio to enable children to express their creative side. Your children are encouraged to express their own interests and follow a topic of their choice through by finding inspiration for it in books and online and are supported to follow it through using a medium of their choice, of clay, paints, pastels, model making and many more.
Bouncy Room / Soft Play
Somewhere they can learn new tricks and let off some steam after a hard day at school.
Games Room
Virtual Reality and consoles for the budding technologists, with a culture of sharing and turn-taking cultivated at all times.
Role Play Room / Drama & Dressing Up Children can let their imagination run free with costumes for all ages and interests.
Study And area for children to do their homework, use the highly secured computers with support. Homework can be supported to A-Level.
A spacious area for children to relax and play. There is a vast array of toys that your children can choose to play with and they are encouraged to build on their ideas and team up with like-minded peers.